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Chat Commands

This is a list of commands that can be used in chat.

The syntax will always list the command and the parameters it needs. Mandatory parameters are shown having “less than” and “greater than” signs around them, however, the parameters must always be used without these characters. Optional parameters are shown with square brackets around them.

Generic Chat Commands

While most of the commands listed further below only work during a live stream these generic chat commands are working 24/7 unless the bot is down for maintenance.

Syntax Permission Description
!tell <Twitch User> <Message> All Users Leaves a message for the user. It is sent to the user as soon as he writes something in chat (because only then the bot can assume that the user is currently there and will read the message).
  • <Twitch User>: The Twitch user to leave the message for. Can be someone the has never seen so far but must be an existing Twitch account. If the bot does not answer then the message was not received or saved - this would mean the bot is currently in maintenance more (in this case try again later) or your message was never received by the bot because it was longer than Twitch allowed.
  • <Message>: The message to leave for the user. Can be as long as Twitch allows for your own message to the bot.
!telltoggle All Users Tells are enabled by default for everyone. If you don't want to receive any tells you can turn the tell system off for you by using this command. Note that in this case you also cannot send any tells and all pending tells that you have sent to others will be immediately deleted.
!checkurl <URL> Moderators Can be used by moderators to check if a given URL would be blocked for non-privileged users (they cannot test it by just posting it in the chat since the bot always allows moderators to send URLs except for malicious/dangerous content.
  • <URL>: The URL to check.
!permit <Twitch User> Moderators Grants the specified Twitch user the right to post URLs during the next 60 seconds which would otherwise be blocked if he is a non-privileged user.
  • <Twitch User>: The Twitch user to allow posting URLs for during a limited time.
!ttsgreet <Twitch User> Moderators Greets the specified Twitch user with a TTS message.
  • <Twitch User>: The Twitch user to greet with a TTS message.
!nickname <Twitch User> [<Phonetic nick name>|*] Moderators Configures or queries the nick name of the specified Twitch user which is used for TTS messages.
  • <Twitch User>: The Twitch user to configure the nick name for.
  • [<Phonetic nick name>|*]: The nick name to configure or * to remove the currently configured nick name. Omit this parameter to query the current nick name.

Queue/Rating/Match Commands

Syntax Permission Description
!friendly <“all”/Player Number(s)> All Users Cast a vote that all players on YorVeX' team in the last match or a specific player was friendly, effectively increasing the friendly-counter and the rating of that player. Can only be used after a match has ended and before the next match has started, the bot will notify All Users in chat when voting is available or is no longer possible.
  • <“all”/Player Number(s)>: When “all” is used (without the quotation marks) the vote is cast for all players that have been on YorVeX' team during the last match. If the voter was in the match himself he is left out from the vote. While it is not forbidden it is also not encouraged to vote for oneself. To vote for a specific player check the number of that player in the table on stream and use this number as a parameter. Multiple numbers can be entered by separating them with commas and/or spaces.
!toxic <Player Number(s)> All Users Cast a vote that all players on YorVeX' team in the last match or a specific player was toxic, effectively increasing the toxic-counter and decreasing the rating of that player. Can only be used after a match has ended and before the next match has started, the bot will notify All Users in chat when voting is available or is no longer possible. WARNING: Such votes will have a negative impact on the affected player's queuing chance in the future. Therefore casting toxic votes not meant seriously will be punished by banning the voter from the voting system, which will also revert all of the votes that user has ever cast. Expect the streamer and/or moderators to ask for a good reason when casting a toxic vote.
  • <Player Number(s)>: To vote for a specific player check the number of that player in the table on stream and use this number as a parameter. Multiple numbers can be entered by separating them with commas and/or spaces.
!atoxic <Twitch User (Target)>
[Twitch User (Voter)]
Moderators Can be used by moderators to cast a toxic for for a player in situations where this is necessary but can't be done by the normal voting system, e.g. when in an internal match (viewers vs. viewers) someone was toxic on the team playing against that of the caster.
  • <Twitch User (Target)>: The user to cast the toxic vote for.
  • [Twitch User (Voter)]: The vote will be cast in the name of this user. If this parameter is omitted then the vote will be cast in the name of the moderator using the !atoxic command.
!toxicrollback <Twitch User> Moderators Can be used by moderators to roll back the latest toxic votes of a user. If pending toxic votes by this user exist for the current match (rating hasn't been closed yet) then all of these are deleted. If none exist then the last toxic vote by this user for an earlier match that is found is deleted.
  • <Twitch User>: The user that has cast the toxic votes to roll back.
!mates All Users Shows the team mates currently in the match with YorVeX.
!queue All Users Tells you whether the queue is currently open and shows the Twitch users currently in the queue - from the left to right in the order they would be picked in and in brackets their current priority.
!join [Timeout] All Users Join the queue. Using this command costs HP, the exact amount is shown in chat when the queue is opened (usually 15 for CS:GO and 8 for Black Squad). Also see: queue.
  • [Timeout]: the time in minutes to join the queue for. Must be a number between 10 and 3600. After this time has run out you are automatically removed from the queue and get your HP back. Use the command again at any time to extend your timeout. If this parameter is not specified then you are joined to the queue indefinitely. If you were joined to the queue with a timeout before then your queue slot is changed to indefinitely.
!leave All Users Leave the queue. You won't get the HP back that you spent when you used !join - unless you have joined with a timeout.
!prio All Users Increase the own priority in the queue to the maximum (101 prio) for 300 HP. Does not work in Loyalty queue mode, only once per stream and only if the current priority is not lower than 70.
!startmatch Moderators Starts the match manually, should be used by mods for games where automatic match detection does not work. Will affect several aspects of the bot and stream, e.g. the queue or reminders shown to YorVeX (e.g. at match end).
!endmatch Moderators Ends the match manually, should be used by mods for games where automatic match detection does not work. Will affect several aspects of the bot and stream, e.g. the queue or reminders shown to YorVeX (e.g. at match end).
!mutechat Moderators Mutes the in-game chat, so that it will no longer be relayed to the Twitch chat by CSChat or VLChat bots.
!skipmatch All Users If you are currently in the queue but can't play the next game you can use this command and won't be picked for the next game. After the game ended you will be available to get picked again. This is better than temporarily leaving and joining again later, since you don't lose any HP and (depending on the queue mode) your place in the queue where it is based on the time you joined at.
!me All Users Shows your current friendly and toxic ratings and how many matches you have played in the stream tracked by the bot so far.
!topmatches [Game] All Users Shows a TOP 10 list of players by the number of matches they have played in the stream tracked by the bot for the current game or for a specific game if the [Game] parameter is used. YorVeX is always shown as rank 0 so that it is visible how many matches have been tracked by the bot in total.
  • [Game]: The game to show the data for. Valid values are: “cs”, “valorant” or “all”.
!mycsrank All Users Shows what the bot knows about your current ranks in CS:GO. It will show the last known rank for each of your Steam accounts that is registered with the bot.
!myvalorant All Users Shows what the bot knows about your current Valorant accounts.
!csmatchinfo <SteamID/SteamID64/URL> All Users Shows match history information about a given Steam account for CS:GO, e.g. when YorVeX played with and/or against this player the last time and how often.
  • <SteamID/SteamID64/URL>: The SteamID, SteamID64 or profile URL to get the match information for.
!loadmatch <Sharecode> All Users Loads the demo of the match with the given share code. This is used to update your CS:GO rank that is shown in the queue list on stream.
  • <Sharecode>: The share code as copied from within CS:GO.
!setcs <SteamID/SteamID64/URL> All Users Link your own Twitch user to a given Steam account for CS:GO.
  • <SteamID/SteamID64/URL>: The SteamID, SteamID64 or profile URL to link to your Twitch account.
!setcsrank <SteamID> <Rank> Moderators Set the CS:GO rank of a given SteamID. This command works regardless of the bot already knowing this SteamID or not.
  • <SteamID>: The SteamID or SteamID64 of the user to set the rank for. Use to find those IDs for a given Steam profile.
  • <Rank> The rank to set for the given SteamID. It can be specified as full text (e.g. “Supreme Master First Class”), abbreviation (e.g. “SMFC”) or commonly used short hands (e.g. “supreme”).
!linkcs <Twitch User>
Moderators Link a Twitch user to a Steam account for CS:GO so that the bot will know the relation between the two in the future. WARNING: there is no command to undo accidentally created wrong links!
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the twitch user to link the Steam account to.
  • <SteamID/SteamID64/URL>: The SteamID, SteamID64 or profile URL of the user to link to the Twitch user.
!setingamename <Game>
<Ingame Name>
All Users Set the name that you use in a specific game.
  • <Game>: The game to set the ingame name for, e.g. Valorant.
  • <Ingame Name>: The ingame name to set.
!linkingamename <Twitch User>
<Game> <Ingame Name>
Moderators Set the name that a Twitch user uses in a specific game.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the twitch user to set the ingame name for.
  • <Game>: The game to set the ingame name for, e.g. Valorant.
  • <Ingame Name>: The ingame name to set.
!mypermajointickets All Users Shows how many Permajoin Tickets you currently have.
!addpermajointicket <Twitch User> Moderators Adds one Permajoin Ticket for the given user.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the twitch user to add the Permajoin Ticket for.
!removepermajointicket <Twitch User> Moderators Removes one Permajoin Ticket from the given user. It should rarely be necessary to use this command, since using !permajoin on a user automatically removes a Permajoin Ticket from that user.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the twitch user to remove the Permajoin Ticket from.
<Twitch User>
Caster Adds infinite Permajoin Tickets to the given user. It is meant to be used for fellow streamers who will always get a permajoin if they want to play and are live on their own stream.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the twitch user to give infinite Permajoin Tickets.
<Twitch User>
Caster Removes infinite Permajoin Tickets from the given user.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the twitch user to remove infinite Permajoin Tickets from.
!permajointickets [Twitch User] Moderators Lists All Users that currently have Permajoin Tickets or shows how many Permajoin Tickets a certain user has.
  • [Twitch User]: The name of the twitch user to check the number of Permajoin Tickets for. If this parameter is omitted a list of All Users with Permajoin Tickets is shown (expect users with infinite Permajoin Tickets).
!permajoin <Twitch User> Moderators Permanently joins a Twitch user in the queue and remove a Permajoin Ticket from him/her. The user will always stay on top of the queue and get picked first for every new match.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the twitch user to be permanently joined into the queue.
!permaleave <Twitch User> Moderators Permanently leaves a Twitch user from the queue.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the permanently queued Twitch user to remove from the queue.
!removequeue <Twitch User> Moderators Can be used by moderators to remove a user from the current queue (e.g. because he has left the stream already).
  • <Twitch User>: The user to be removed from the queue.
!queueban <Twitch User> <Reason> Moderators Permanently ban a Twitch user from queuing.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the Twitch user to ban from the queuing.
  • <Reason>: The reason why the Twitch user is banned. This is shown in chat if the user tries to queue in the future.
!queueunban <Twitch User> Moderators Unban a Twitch user from queuing.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the Twitch user to unban from queuing.
!queuebansteamid <SteamID> <Reason> Moderators Permanently ban a Steam user from queuing.
  • <SteamID>: The SteamID or SteamID64 of the user to ban from queuing. Use to find those IDs for a given Steam profile.
  • <Reason>: The reason why the Steam ID is banned. This is shown in chat if the user tries to queue in the future.
!queueunbansteamid <SteamID> Moderators Unban a Steam user from queuing.
  • <SteamID>: The SteamID or SteamID64 of the user to unban from queuing. Use to find those IDs for a given Steam profile.
!toployalty [Game] All Users Show a TOP 10 of users who currently have the highest loyalty score for the currently active game or for a specific game if the optional parameter [Game] is specified.
  • [Game]: The game to show the data for. Valid values are: “cs”, “valorant” or “all”.
!myloyalty [Game] All Users Shows your current loyalty score for the currently active game or for a specific game if the optional parameter [Game] is specified.
  • [Game]: The game to show the data for. Valid values are: “cs” or “valorant”.
!loyalty <Twitch User> [Game] All Users Shows the current loyalty score of a Twitch user for the currently active game or for a specific game if the optional parameter [Game] is specified.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the Twitch user to show the loyalty for.
  • [Game]: The game to show the data for. Valid values are: “cs” or “valorant”.

Betting Commands

Syntax Permission Description
!bets All users Show the betting status, the current score and who has placed which bets so far. The response will also show in brackets how far away from the current score everyone's bets are.
/w YorBot !bet <Score> All users Place a bet on the score you think YorVeX will have reached at the end of the match. Using this command will cost 40 HP. It can only be used during the first half of a match. It can be used multiple times to change existing bets but HP will be charged again for every use.
  • <Score>: A positive integer representing the score to bet on.
!topbets All users Shows the TOP 10 viewers by number of bets placed (only when betting wasn't canceled).
!topbetwins All users Shows the TOP 10 viewers by number of bet wins.

Clip Commands

Syntax Permission Description
!clips All users Gives you a login link to the clips website where you can browse existing clips or manage your own clips.
!clip_<Name> All users Play a clip with the given name on stream. The command can be chosen by the user who creates a clip.

Currency/Loyalty Commands

The stream has a currency (also called “loyalty points”) that are named “HP”. HP can be earned simply by watching the stream (faster by also being active in chat), following, subbing, donating or winning them in a giveaway.

Syntax Permission Description
!hp [Twitch User] All users This will check your current HP balance or that of another user. It will also show how many hours you or the user has been in the stream so far.
  • [Twitch User]: The Twitch user to check the current HP balance and hours in the stream. If this parameter is omitted your own HP will be shown.
!give <Twitch User> <Amount> All users Sends a certain amount of your own HP to another Twitch user.
  • <Twitch User>: The Twitch user to send HP to.
  • <Amount>: The amount of HP to send.
!tophp All users Shows a TOP 10 of users with the most HP.
!tophours All users Shows a TOP 10 of users with the most hours in the stream.
!hpbonus Moderators Gives a bonus of 10 HP to all users currently in the chat. And another 10 HP to all users who have written something in chat during the last 20 minutes.
!hpblacklist <add/remove> <Twitch User> Moderators Adds or removes a user from/to the HP blacklist. HP blacklisted users cannot earn any more HP, however, they still can spend them or give them away. This is intended to be used for bots.
  • add/remove: Write either “add” or “remove” here to add or remove a user from/to the HP blacklist.
  • <Twitch User>: The Twitch user to add or remove to/from the blacklist.
!hpexport Caster Exports all HP and hour information to a CSV file.
+love <Twitch User> All users Gives Love to another Twitch user.
  • <Twitch User>: The Twitch user to send Love to.
!transfer <from Twitch User> <to Twitch User> Moderators Moves HP and hours in the stream from one user to another. This command should only be used when someone lost access to his old Twitch account and is using a completely new account now. Don't use this for renames, they are detected automatically when the user writes something in chat. If you want to force the bot to update a user's name who is not in the chat you can use the !rememberuser command with the new Twitch name of this user.
  • <from Twitch User>: The Twitch name of the user to transfer HP and hours from.
  • <to Twitch User>: The Twitch name of the user to transfer HP and hours to.
!rememberuser <Twitch User> Moderators Makes the bot query the current data of a Twitch user from the Twitch API and remember this data. From this point on the user will always be recognized from the bot regardless of future renames.
  • <Twitch User>: The Twitch name of the user to be remembered.
!love [Twitch User] All users This will check your current Love or that of another user.
  • [Twitch User]: The Twitch user to check the current Love of. If this parameter is omitted your own Love will be shown.
!toplove All users Shows a TOP 10 of users with the most Love.
!lovetoggle All users Enables or disables the Love system for you. Note that disabling the Love system will remove all the Love you have received but not Love you have given.
!mytitles All users Shows all all titles that are currently available to you.
!mytitle <Title> All users Sets your primary title. This is shown when using the !hp command and in random welcome messages. Must be one of the titles available to you (as listed by the !mytitles command). Note that using this command costs HP!
  • <Title>: The title to set as your primary title.
!mytitle2 <Title> All users Removes or sets your secondary title. This is shown when using the !hp command and in random welcome messages. Must be one of the titles available to you (as listed by the !mytitles command). Note that using this command costs HP (using “remove” is free though)!
  • <Title>: The title to set as your secondary title. Use “remove” if you want to remove your secondary title.
!myuniquetitle <Title> All users Assigns a unique title to you that you can then select with the !mytitle and !mytitle2 commands. Note that using this command costs 10000 HP!
  • <Title>: The unique title to assign to you.
!titlesetbot <Twitch User> Moderators Sets the bot title for this user.
  • <Twitch User>: The user to set the bot title for.
!titleremovebot <Twitch User> Moderators Removes the bot title from this user.
  • <Twitch User>: The user to remove the bot title from.
!assigntitle <Twitch User> <Title> Caster Assigns a title to a user.
  • <Twitch User>: The user to assign the title to.
  • <Title>: The title to assign to the user.
!unassigntitle <Twitch User> <Title> Caster Unassigns a title from a user.
  • <Twitch User>: The user to unassign the title from.
  • <Title>: The title to unassign from the user.
!buyrandomtitle All users Buys a random title for 200 HP.

Reminder Command

YorVeX has a tool that automatically shows certain reminders to him in an extra tool on his top monitor, e.g. a list of things to do before the stream starts, read a highlighted message from someone, do a magic roll if someone unlocked this reward or thank someone for a new Sub.

With the !reminder command Mods can also add reminders to this list and make a message visible to YorVeX, either immediately, at a certain time or when a certain condition applies (e.g. coming back from being AFK or after the end of the current match).

Note that there is never a guarantee for a timer to show exactly when you want, since YorVeX might simply be currently not pulling new reminders from the list or there are currently reminders with a higher priority on the list that are shown first.

The basic syntax of this command is:

!reminder [Condition] [Date/Time/Minutes] <Message>
  • [Condition] - defaults to None if omitted, otherwise it must be one of the following:
    • None - reminder is shown when currently no special conditions apply
    • BeforeAFK - Reminder is shown before YorVeX goes AFK.
    • BackFromAFK - Reminder is shown after YorVeX came back from being AFK.
    • BeforeStream - Reminder is shown before YorVeX starts the next stream.
    • NextStream - Reminder is shown right after the next stream has started (after switch from offline to live scene).
    • AfterStream - Reminder is shown after the stream has ended.
    • BackFromGame - Reminder is shown after the current game/match has ended. Will work automatically in CS:GO but needs mods to use the !endmatch command in other games to trigger this.
  • [Date/Time] - contains either a date, a time, a combination of date and time or an amount of minutes after which this reminder should be shown from now. Note that this uses date/time formats that are common in Germany and uses current local German time zone:
    • DD.MM.YYYY (e.g. “24.02.2020”) - shows a reminder on this date. If this date is today, will show the reminder immediately. If the date is reached while the stream is running, will be shown at midnight when this day starts. If this day is in the future and no condition is specified it will automatically be saved with a NextStream condition and then be shown right after the stream has started on that day. If there is no stream on that day it will be shown on the next streaming day after that date.
    • HH:MM (24 hour time format, e.g. “17:08”) - shows a reminder at this time on the current day. If the given time has already passed for the current day it shows a reminder on the next day at this time.
    • DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM (e.g. “24.02.2020 17:08”) - shows a reminder at this date and time. If the date and time has already passed it is shown immediately.
    • Minutes (e.g. “30”) - shows a reminder in X minutes from now, must be a number greater than 0, otherwise it is ignored and treated as part of the reminder message.
  • <Message> - this is the reminder message text that will be shown to YorVeX. You can use Unicode emotes in this message but no Twitch/FFZ/BTTV emotes (well, you can, but they'll be shown as simple text to YorVeX monkaS).

Here are some examples:

  • !reminder You forgot to activate the game scene, switch right now!
  • !reminder 15 Do something in 15 minutes
  • !reminder 13.02.2021 🎁 Wish Peter a Happy Birthday
  • !reminder 16.01.2021 03:00 Valorant is going down for maintenance!
  • !reminder BackFromGame Watch 30 seconds of this after the match:
  • !reminder BackFromGame 02:00 Switch from CS to Valorant after 2 O'Clock has passed and the current CS match has ended
  • !reminder BeforeAFK Start a poll that will run while AFK
  • !reminder BackFromAFK Do the magic roll
  • !reminder BeforeStream Post on Twitter before going live
  • !reminder NextStream Ask whether people want viewer games today
  • !reminder AfterStream Fix this bug that we found today during the stream

Custom Command/Timers

Additional commands can be defined by mods. Those are usually simple commands that provide static information (like a link to this website) or query a simple HTTP based text API. These commands can also be defined as timers that are regularly shown automatically while the stream is live. The following commands are used to configure custom commands and timers.

Syntax Permission Description
!cmd <set/get/remove/search> <Command name> [Response] Moderators This is the main command to configure custom commands.
  • set: Add a new or change an existing custom command.
  • get: Show the current configuration of the specified command including timer information.
  • remove: Remove the specified command.
  • search: Search all commands for the specified search phrase (command names and responses are searched). Does not support wild cards, however, a “search *” is possible and will return a list of all current custom commands. * <Command name>: The name of the command to configure, beginning with “!”.
  • [Response]: The response the command should return when being used. The following parameters can be used: $tousername, $touserid, $count, $readapi(https://...), $readline(C:\My file.txt)
!cmdtimers Moderators Lists all currently configured timers.
!cmdtimer <Command name> <Frequency> [Offset] Moderators Command to configure timers. Note that timers are always based on existing commands, so a command has to be created first and then turned into a timed message.
  • <Command name>: The name of the command the timer is based on, beginning with “!”.
  • <Frequency>: The frequency of this timer being executed in minutes.
  • [Offset]: The offset in minutes with which the timer frequency starts, based on when the stream goes live or when the timer was added. Use this to make sure that e.g. multiple timers which are executed every 20 minutes aren't always executed all within the same minute. Defaults to 0 if not specified.
!cmdcounter <Command name> <Counter> Moderators Command to configure counters. Only has an effect if the command this is configured for contains the $count parameter.
  • <Command name>: The name of the command the counter should be set for, beginning with “!”.
  • <Counter>: The new value to set the counter to. Must be an integer.

Misc Commands

Syntax Permission Description
!simulatestream <“on”/“off”> Caster The “on” setting simulates that the stream is live, useful for testing.
  • <“on”/“off”>: Turn the setting on or off.
/w YorBot !winphrase [Phrase] Caster Set a win phrase. YorBot will announce the first user as winner who writes this phrase in chat. Omit parameter to disable.
  • [Phrase]: The win phrase. Not case-sensitive.
!ndireset <NDI connection> Moderator Resets an NDI connection in YorVeX' internal streaming setup. Can be used when trying to fix A/V sync issues. Please don't execute this without talking to YorVeX first!
  • <NDI Connection>: One of the following values:
    • base: video and audio feed for all content except cam and mic (game, desktop, applications…) without Snap Camera effects
    • cam: video feed for the cam and mic audio without Snap Camera effects
    • snap-cam: video and audio feed for the cam and mic with Snap Camera effects (when shown as small camera, e.g. in the game scene)
    • snap-base: video and audio feed for all content except cam and mic (game, desktop, applications…) with Snap Camera effects
    • streaming: final video and audio feed with all other feeds mixed together
!updateblockedusers Caster Refreshes the local list of blocked users from the Twitch API and removes blocked users from the currency system so that the database is not filled with garbage. Also blocked users will be checked whether they still exist on Twitch and are scheduled for background cleanup if they don't.
!readblockedusers Caster Reads the blocked user list from a CSV file generated by the CommanderRoot block list tool, file name must be “blockslist.csv”.
!pauseblockedusercleanup Caster Pauses the ongoing blocked user cleanup background process.
!resumeblockedusercleanup Caster Resumes the ongoing blocked user cleanup background process after it was previously paused manually or due to errors.
!resetfollow <Twitch user> Moderator Makes YorBot forget that this user has followed in the past so that if the user follows again a follow alert is shown for them once more. Useful for alert testing.
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the user to reset the follow status for.
!zoomtext <Text> Moderator Shows a text with zoom-in effect on stream (cooldown 60 seconds).
  • <Text>: The text to show on stream.
!addachievement <Twitch user> <Achievement> Caster Adds an achievement for a user. Can be used with a freely chosen name and will create this achievement if it doesn't exist yet, so be careful about typing mistakes. It should always be checked if it makes sense to add it to the achievements configuration first and set some parameters for it (e.g. without config it doesn't award a chat title of the same name).
  • <Twitch User>: The name of the user to give the achievement to.
  • <Achievement>: The name of the achievement to give to the user. Case sensitive, can contain spaces.

Info Commands

Syntax Permission Description
!song All users Shows you the song that is currently playing on stream (note that the stream shown to you is usually delayed so if you use the command at the end of a song you might already get the info for the following song). Using this command costs 1 HP.
!myachievements All users Shows a list of achievements you have earned so far. :!: Achievements are still beta and might be reset at any time!
!tools Caster Lists all tools that are currently connected to the chat under the identity “YorBot”.
!obslogs Caster Lists all OBS logs that are currently monitored by the bot.
!getclips <Year> <Week> Moderators Shows a list of all clips that have been created during the specified calendar week.
  • <Year>: The year to search for clips in.
  • <Week>: The calendar year number to search for clips in.
!followage [Twitch User] All users Shows how long you or another Twitch user has been following this channel. Note that unfollowing and refollowing at some point resets this date and time.
  • [Twitch User]: The Twitch user to get the follow age for. If this parameter is omitted your own follow age is shown.
!followdate [Twitch User] All users The same as !followage, just that it's showing the date when the user followed instead of how long ago this was.
  • [Twitch User]: The Twitch user to get the follow date for. If this parameter is omitted your own follow date is shown.

!asl !crosshair !discord !dm !faceit !followers !giveaway !headset !hub !keyboard !loots !mc !mitmachen/!participate !mouse !opaaim !queuesystem !rank !res !resourcepack !rig !schedule !sens !shader !smurf !smurf2 !sound !steam !streampc !time !title !trade !uptime !viewmodel !wallpaper !yprac

All users These commands show various information and should be self-explanatory in most cases. If in doubt just try them, there's nothing to lose.

Quote Commands

Quotes are listed on a separate page, see quotes.

en/stream/commands.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/11 01:54 by yorvex
